i have made one demo Enity in sql Fidldle. my table have following collumn
displayId | displaytime | campaignId
now what i want is to select the last 7 days entry for the particular campaignId (i mean where campaignId="") there should be multiple entry for the same date with same campaign id..so i want to show sum of total campaignId with their date
so if there is 7 records for date 2013-3-8 and other date then it shows me record like
2013-03-02 | 1
2013-03-03 | 1
2013-03-04 | 0
2013-03-05 | 0
2013-03-06 | 0
2013-03-07 | 2
2013-03-08 | 7
in following query its just shows the date with their count which have more then 0 count... e.g. what i have tried is as follows..but it just give me one record which have entry in database...
2013-03-08 | 7
SELECT date(a.displayTime) AS `DisplayTime`,
ifnull(l.TCount,0) AS TCount
FROM a_ad_display AS a
(SELECT count(campaignId) AS TCount,
FROM a_ad_display
WHERE CONVERT_TZ(displaytime,'+00:00','-11:00') >= DATE_SUB(CONVERT_TZ(CURDATE(),'+00:00','-11:00') ,INTERVAL 1 DAY)
AND CONVERT_TZ(displaytime,'+00:00','-11:00') <= CONVERT_TZ(CURDATE(),'+00:00','-11:00')
AND campaignId = 20747
GROUP BY DATE(displayTime)) AS l ON date(a.displayTime) = date(l.displayTime)
GROUP BY DATE(a.displayTime)
ORDER BY a.displaytime DESC LIMIT 7
i have implemented time zone in my query so if u can help me with the simple query then its ok..dont include Convert_Tz
this is http://sqlfiddle.com/#!2/96600c/1 link of my dummy entitiy
If you use a dates table, your query can be as simple as:
select dates.fulldate, count(a_ad_display.id)
from dates
left outer join a_ad_display ON dates.fulldate = a_ad_display.displaytime
[AND <other conditions here>]
where dates.fulldate BETWEEN date_add(curdate(), interval -6 day) AND curdate()
group by dates.fulldate
Without using a dates table, here's one way. It's ugly and probably terrible for performance:
select displaytime, sum(c)
select displaytime, count(a_ad_display.id) AS c
from a_ad_display
where displaytime BETWEEN date_add(curdate(), interval -6 day) AND curdate()
group by displaytime
union all
select curdate(), 0
union all
select date_add(curdate(), interval -1 day), 0
union all
select date_add(curdate(), interval -2 day), 0
union all
select date_add(curdate(), interval -3 day), 0
union all
select date_add(curdate(), interval -4 day), 0
union all
select date_add(curdate(), interval -5 day), 0
union all
select date_add(curdate(), interval -6 day), 0
) x
group by displaytime
order by displaytime