
CSS3 transition-timing-function as javascript function

I need to create a Javascript-Fallback for CSS3-Animations and try to make it as close as possible to the CSS-Version. In CSS3, there are 4 predefined easing-functions:

Does anybody know an exact algorythmical equivalent to those easings, that could used in a Javascript function? I know there are alot of easings like Sine, Quad, Expo etc. (see, but they all seem to differ.


  • Geometrically equivalent? As in a curve traced with the points given in the webkit easing examples you supplied is equivalent to one that would be traced by some JS function?

    Here's a way to define your own Pn for a cubic bezier easing.

    An explanation:

    There's a git linked by the the author of the article which I can't ref b/c I don't have the rep, but ignore it. It's a hog.

    Buuut: Same math, better event loop management, and way more recent commits than the above script, using jquery.easing: