I want to use rewrite function in my nginx server.
When I try "http://www.example.com/1234", I want to rewrite "http://www.example.com/v.php?id=1234" and want to get "http://www.example.com/1234" in browser.
Here is nginx.conf file
location ~ /[0-9]+ {
rewrite "/([0-9]+)" http://www.example.com/v.php?id=$1 break;
When I try "http://www.example.com/1234"
I want to ...
url bar in browser : http://www.example.com/1234
real url : http://www.example.com/v.php?id=1234
but I'm in trouble ...
url bar in browser : http://www.example.com/v.php?id=1234
real url : http://www.example.com/v.php?id=1234
Reference: https://nginx.org/en/docs/http/ngx_http_rewrite_module.html#rewrite
If the replacement string begins with http:// then the client will be redirected, and any further >rewrite directives are terminated.
So remove the http:// part and it should work:
location ~ /[0-9]+ {
rewrite "/([0-9]+)" /v.php?id=$1 break;