
How to print instances of a class using print()?

When I try to print an instance of a class, I get an output like this:

>>> class Test():
...     def __init__(self):
...         self.a = 'foo'
>>> print(Test())
<__main__.Test object at 0x7fc9a9e36d60>

How can I make it so that the print will show something custom (e.g. something that includes the a attribute value)? That is, how can I can define how the instances of the class will appear when printed (their string representation)?

See How can I choose a custom string representation for a class itself (not instances of the class)? if you want to define the behaviour for the class itself (in this case, so that print(Test) shows something custom, rather than <class __main__.Test> or similar). (In fact, the technique is essentially the same, but trickier to apply.)


  • >>> class Test:
    ...     def __repr__(self):
    ...         return "Test()"
    ...     def __str__(self):
    ...         return "member of Test"
    >>> t = Test()
    >>> t
    >>> print(t)
    member of Test

    The __str__ method is what gets called happens when you print it, and the __repr__ method is what happens when you use the repr() function (or when you look at it with the interactive prompt).

    If no __str__ method is given, Python will print the result of __repr__ instead. If you define __str__ but not __repr__, Python will use what you see above as the __repr__, but still use __str__ for printing.