
Matlab: uitable with Logical cell and default value of 'true'

I'm trying to build a uitable 1x2.

Cell(1,1) format is a 'logical'; Cell(1,2) is 'char'

handles.SeedTable = uitable(...
                    'ColumnName',{'Shuffle' 'Seed#'},...
                    'ColumnEditable',[true true],...
                    'Data',[{'true'}, {'Random#'} ]);

When I run my file: When I press the checkbox to uncheck cell(1,1) nothing happens. If i do not set the cell to be true by default - all is good (i.e. remove the line:

'Data',[{'true'}, {'Random#'} 


  • To make the cell editable, the last true in your code needs to go without the quotes:

    handles.SeedTable = uitable(...
                        'ColumnName',{'Shuffle' 'Seed#'},...
                        'ColumnEditable',[true true],...
                        'Data',[{true}, {'Random#'} ]);