I do have a PHP script, which is not an extension for Typo3. Now I would like to delete the whole Cache of Typo3 out of this script. How is that possible?
I found the solution myself and its actually pretty easy. I took a look into the class.t3lib_tcemain.php in the t3lib folder. There you've got the necessary commands to clear the cache. It also checks, if you have the cachingframework enabled. If so, you need to truncate a few other tables as well (Starts with cachingframework_cache_)
It is basically:
$conn = mysql_connect($typo_db_host, $typo_db_username, $typo_db_password);
// Clear Cache here
mysql_query("TRUNCATE cache_treelist;");
mysql_query("TRUNCATE cache_pagesection;");
mysql_query("TRUNCATE cache_hash;");
mysql_query("TRUNCATE cache_pages;");
if($handle = opendir('./typo3conf')) {
while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
if(strpos($file, 'temp_CACHED_')!==false) {