
How and when is a @ViewScoped bean destroyed in JSF?

The lifecycle of the @RequestScoped and @SessionScopedBean managed beans are managed by the Servlet container itself since they are basically stored as an attribute of HttpRequest and HttpSession respectively. How do JSF manage the lifecycle of the @ViewScopedBean ? I know it gets created when the view is created and is usable till there is a postback to a different view. But I found out that is not garbage collected immediately after we move from that view.


  • It will be destroyed when

    It will thus not be destroyed when the page is unloaded as result of clicking a GET link to another page, or refreshing the page, or closing the browser tab/window. The bean will live as long until one of abovelisted conditions is met. To destroy it during unload anyway, consider using OmniFaces @ViewScoped instead.