Hey all i am trying to get the data from a movie API. The format is this:
page => 1
results =>
0 =>
adult =>
backdrop_path => /gM3KKixSicG.jpg
id => 603
original_title => The Matrix
release_date => 1999-03-30
poster_path => /gynBNzwyaioNkjKgN.jpg
popularity => 10.55
title => The Matrix
vote_average => 9
vote_count => 328
1 =>
adult =>
backdrop_path => /o6XxGMvqKx0.jpg
id => 605
original_title => The Matrix Revolutions
release_date => 2003-10-26
poster_path => /sKogjhfs5q3aEG8.jpg
popularity => 5.11
title => The Matrix Revolutions
vote_average => 7.5
vote_count => 98
etc etc....
How can i get only the first element [0]'s data (as in backdrop_path, original_title, etc etc)? I'm new at PHP arrays :).
And of course this is what i used to output my array data:
Any help would be great!
You can point to the array with this $theMovie['result'][0]['backdrop_path'];
or you can loop through it like this,
foreach($theMovie['results'] as $movie){
echo $movie['backdrop_path'];