Which statement is perfect or better when dealing with billion of records for comparing NULL's in merge statement. I have tried with SET ANSI_NULLS OFF but that didn't work in merge statement. Here is my two ways
ISNULL(SRCColumn,-11111) = ISNULL(DSTColumn, -11111)
SRCColumn = DSTColumn OR (SRCColumn IS NULL AND DSTColumn IS NULL)
Please let me know if there is any better way to deal with it. As I have around 15 columns to compare.
SRCColumn = DSTColumn OR (SRCColumn IS NULL AND DSTColumn IS NULL)
I'd suggest that you use this version because it most accurately expresses what you want SQL Server to do.
Both statements are logically equivalent (unless -11111 is a legal value for the column), however this statement is much more recognizable, and there's probably only a negligible difference in the run-time performance of the two statements.