I have the need to retrieve the number of days in the current month, and despite my research, I have yet to find anything in powershell that does it. The following is what I have currently built to get the result I want. is there a better way to do it?
Please note that I am limited to Powershell
#check to see if this is a leap year
function LYC
if ([System.DateTime]::isleapyear((Get-Date).Year))
$Global:LY = True
#Get the number of days in current month
function fNOD
$MNum = (Get-Date).Month
switch ($MNum)
1 {$Global:DaysInMonth=31}
2 {
if (LY)
} else {
3 {$Global:DaysInMonth=31}
4 {$Global:DaysInMonth=30}
5 {$Global:DaysInMonth=31}
6 {$Global:DaysInMonth=30}
7 {$Global:DaysInMonth=31}
8 {$Global:DaysInMonth=31}
9 {$Global:DaysInMonth=30}
10 {$Global:DaysInMonth=31}
11 {$Global:DaysInMonth=30}
12 {$Global:DaysInMonth=31}
# static int DaysInMonth(int year, int month)
[DateTime]::DaysInMonth(2013, 3)