
ToolStripButton text gets cut off in ContextMenuStrip

I am instantiating my own ToolStripButton and adding it to a ContextMenuStrip. It pops up but the text gets cut off:

string[] layouts = new string[]{"Test 1", "Test 2", "Test 3"};
List<ToolStripButton> items = new List<ToolStripButton>();
foreach (string layout in layouts)
    ToolStripButton item = new ToolStripButton(layout, image, LayoutClicked);
    item.AutoSize = true;
layoutMenus.Show(Cursor.Position.X, Cursor.Position.Y);

Any idea why the text is getting cut off as the AutoSize property is true?


  • Curious; I can reproduce this... a reall oddity (for me) is that setting the menu's .Width fixes it... but setting it to anything (it seems to ignore the value completely):

    layoutMenus.Width = 800; // could be 20, or 100 and would appear the same

    See if that works. It does for me, even though it makes no real sense.



    leaves enough space, but

    layoutMenus.Width = layoutMenus.Width;

    doesn't (presumably it checks for non-changes and ignores whatever side-effects the above has).