
Kohana 3.3 Auth module fails with remember flag and creating user token

I am attempting to log in users with:

$login = Auth::instance()->login($this->request->post('username'), $this->request->post('password'), TRUE);

However it fails when trying to set the autologin cookie, with ErrorException [ Notice ]: Trying to get property of non-object when it gets to:

// Token data
$data = array(
    'user_id'    => $user->pk(),
    'expires'    => time() + $this->_config['lifetime'],
    'user_agent' => sha1(Request::$user_agent),

// Create a new autologin token
$token = ORM::factory('User_Token')

// var_dump($token); // null

// Set the autologin cookie
Cookie::set('authautologin', $token->token, $this->_config['lifetime']);

If I var_dump($token) it says it is null. I have checked the database and it appears to be added correctly. My config has driver => 'ORM'. Logging in works if the remember me flag is set to FALSE. Why is $token not an object? Is there something I have missed?


  • I caused the error by overriding the create() method in class ORM_Base extends Kohana_ORM which then called the parent::create() but directed the user_token to the wrong create(). Fixed by removing the create() I added.