I am starting currently using Alfresco CMS. I need to create an "aspect" in my content model which must contains a number of properties as:
property 1 : String
property 2 : int
property 3 : int
property 4 : long
Moreover it must contains two more properties which are composed either of number of properties as:
FormatProperty1: int
FormatProperty2: int
FormatProperty3: int
list1: List<String>
list2: List<String>
MetadataProperty 3: boolean
I have not yet created neither a simple content model nor an aspect in Alfresco. Based on my previous knowledge in Relational Databases I perceive the above structure as association between tables. How can I carry out that in Alfresco content model with an aspect or more?
You should take a look here first. Creating a model in Alfresco is far away from a DB.
it's just an XML well defined. You have to write the XML first, then initialize it through bootstrap.
Example XML Model cmodModel.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- Definition of new Model -->
<model name="custom:custommodel" xmlns="http://www.alfresco.org/model/dictionary/1.0">
<!-- Optional meta-data about the model -->
<description>Custom Model</description>
<!-- Imports are required to allow references to definitions in other models -->
<!-- Import Alfresco Dictionary Definitions -->
<import uri="http://www.alfresco.org/model/dictionary/1.0" prefix="d" />
<!-- Import Alfresco Content Domain Model Definitions -->
<import uri="http://www.alfresco.org/model/content/1.0" prefix="cm" />
<import uri="http://www.alfresco.org/model/system/1.0" prefix="sys" />
<!-- Introduction of new namespaces defined by this model -->
<namespace uri="custom.model" prefix="cmod" />
<!-- Lists <String> -->
<constraint name="cmod:liststring1" type="LIST">
<parameter name="allowedValues">
<value>value 1</value>
<value>value 2</value>
<constraint name="cmod:liststring2" type="LIST">
<parameter name="allowedValues">
<value>value 1</value>
<value>value 2</value>
<!-- Document Type -->
<type name="cmod:customDoc">
<!-- Definition of custom aspects -->
<aspect name="cmod:aspectBase">
<title>Aspect base properties</title>
<property name="cmod:property1">
<property name="cmod:property2">
<property name="cmod:property3">
<property name="cmod:property4">
<aspect name="cmod:aspectFormat">
<title>Aspect Format</title>
<property name="cmod:formatProperty1">
<property name="cmod:formatProperty2">
<property name="cmod:formatProperty3">
<aspect name="cmod:aspectMetadata">
<title>Aspetto Metadata</title>
<property name="cmod:metadataProperty1">
<constraint ref="cmod:liststring1" />
<property name="cmod:metadataProperty2">
<constraint ref="cmod:liststring2" />
<property name="cmod:metadataProperty3">
model context named cmod-model-context.xml
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<!DOCTYPE beans PUBLIC '-//SPRING//DTD BEAN//EN' 'http://www.springframework.org/dtd/spring-beans.dtd'>
<!-- Registration of new models -->
<bean id="extension.dictionaryBootstrap"
<property name="models">
Hope it helps.