
Construct grammar given the following language {a^n b^m | n,m = 0,1,2,...,n <= 2m}

I just took my midterm but couldn't answer this question.

Can someone please give a couple of examples of the language and construct a grammar for the language or at least show me how i will go about it?

Also how to write grammar for L:

L = {an bm | n,m = 0,1,2,..., n <= 2m } ?

Thanks in advance.


  • How to write grammar for formal language?

    Before read my this answer you should read first: Tips for creating Context free grammars.

    Grammar for {an bm | n,m = 0,1,2,..., n <= 2m }

    What is you language L = {an bm | n,m = 0,1,2,..., n <= 2m } description?

    Language description: The language L is consist of set of all strings in which symbols a followed by symbols b, where number of symbol b are more than or equals to half of number of a's.

    To understand more clearly:

    In pattern an bm, first symbols a come then symbol b. total number of a 's is n and number of b's is m. The inequality equation says about relation between n and m. To understand the equation:

    given:   n <= 2m   
    =>       n/2 <= m       means `m` should be = or > then n/2
    =>       numberOf(b) >= numberOf(a)/2    ...eq-1

    So inequality of n and m says:

    numberOf(b) must be more than or equals to half of numberOf(a)

    Some example strings in L:

    b   numberOf(a)=0 and numberOf(b)=1  this satisfy eq-1        
    bb  numberOf(a)=0 and numberOf(b)=2  this satisfy eq-1 

    So in language string any number of b are possible without a's. (any string of b) because any number is greater then zero (0/2 = 0).

    Other examples:

                                         m   n
    ab     numberOf(a)=1 and numberOf(b)=1 > 1/2   
    abb    numberOf(a)=1 and numberOf(b)=2 > 1/2  
    abbb   numberOf(a)=1 and numberOf(b)=3 > 1/2  
    aabb   numberOf(a)=2 and numberOf(b)=2 > 2/2 = 1  
    aaabb  numberOf(a)=3 and numberOf(b)=2 > 3/2 = 1.5
    aaaabb numberOf(a)=4 and numberOf(b)=2 = 4/2 = 2  

    Points to be note:

    Two more important case are:

    At once, it look that writing grammar is tough but really not...

    According to language description, we need following kinds of rules:

    rule 1: To generate ^ null string.

     N --> ^  

    rule 2: To generate any number of b

     B --> bB | b  

    Rule 3: to generate a's:
    (1) Remember you can't generate too many a's without generating b's.
    (2) Because b's are more then = to half of a's; you need to generate one b for every alternate a
    (3) Only a as a string not possible so for first (odd) alternative you need to add b with an a
    (4) Whereas for even alternative you can discard to add b (but not compulsory)

    So you overall grammar:

       S --> ^ | A | B
       B --> bB | b
       A --> aCB | aAB | ^
       C --> aA | ^

    here S is start Variable.

    In the above grammar rules you may have confusion in A --> aCB | aAB | ^, so below is my explanation:

    A --> aCB | aAB | ^   
           for second alternative a 
    C --> aA    <== to discard `b`    
    and  aAB  to keep b

    let us we generate some strings in language using this grammar rules, I am writing Left most derivation to avoid explanation.

      ab     S --> A --> aCB --> aB --> ab                        
      abb    S --> A --> aCB --> aB --> abB --> abb
      abbb   S --> A --> aCB --> aB --> abB --> abB --> abbB --> abbb 
      aabb   S --> A --> aAB --> aaABB --> aaBB --> aabB --> aabb
      aaabb  S --> A --> aCB --> aaAB -->  aaaABB --> aaaBB --> aaabB --> aaabb
      aaaabb S --> A --> aCB --> aaAB --> aaaCBB --> aaaaABB --> aaaaBB 
                                                             --> aaaabB 
                                                             --> aaaabb

    One more for non-member string:

    according to language a5 b2 = aaaaabb is not possible. because 2 >= 5/2 = 2.5 ==> 2 >= 2.5 inequality fails. So we can't generate this string using grammar too. I try to show below:

    In our grammar to generate extra a's we have to use C variable.

    S --> A 
      --> aCB 
      --> aaAB 
      --> aa aCB B 
      --> aaa aA BB 
      --> aaaa aCB BB  
               here with first `a` I have to put a `b` too

    While my answer is done but I think you can change A's rules like:

    A --> aCB | A | ^

    Give it a Try!!

    as @us2012 commented: It would seem to me that then, S -> ^ | ab | aaSb | Sb would be a simpler description. I feel this question would be good for OP and other also.

    OP's language:

    L = {an bm | n,m = 0,1,2,..., n <= 2m}.

    @us2012's Grammar:

    S -> ^ | ab | aaSb | Sb    

    @us2012's question:

    Whether this grammar also generates language L?

    Answer is Yes!

    The inequality in language between number of a's = n and number of b = m is n =< 2m

    We can also understand as:

     n =< 2m
     that is 
     numberOf(a) = <  twice of numberOf(b) 

    And In grammar, when even we add one or two a's we also add one b . So ultimately number of a can't be more then twice of number of b.

    Grammar also have rules to generate. any numbers of b's and null ^ strings.

    So the simplified Grammar provided by @us2012 is CORRECT and also generates language L exactly.

    Notice: The first solution came from derivation as I written in am linked answer, I started with language description then tried to write some basic rules and progressively I could write complete grammar.

    Whereas @us2012's answer came by aptitude, you can gain the aptitude to write grammar by reading others' solutions and writing your own for some - just like how you learn programming.