OK, before 1.4 release we had paster where we can add our own commands, for example for drop cache or load database initial data. Right now, how I understand, pyramid deal with Console Scripts but documentation is poor about this new feature. I want load initial database data. In old-style I write separate command for paster and register it when I will can load data like this:
paster loaddbdata
How I can do that now?
Pyramid provides the pyramid.paster.bootstrap()
to make it easy to create a script with your application. Turning a script into a command isn't done through any complicated construct provided by Pyramid, but rather you should just use setuptools entry points. This involves adding a [console_scripts]
section to your setup.py
, re-running develop, and your script should be installed into the bin
# ...
'paste.app_factory': [
'main = myapp:main',
'console_scripts': [
'myscript = myapp.scripts.myscript:main',