
grapheme š is always bold

i'm fighting with the font-style of š since hours.

i'm using the webfont "open sans" from google webfonts and tested the grapheme on googles review option. everything's fine, the š is thin and beautiful like the rest of the font. (sorry i cant post images yet)

but at my site the š is always bold! i reseted all stylesheets to make sure nothing is overwriting the font-weight or something. my document is utf-8 and i tried both ways to post the grapheme: š and š

i scanned googles quellcode to find the magic to display the grapheme correctly but couldnt find the solution :(

anybody can help me with this problem?

online example: http://korasu.de/font/


  • Your font doesn't come with a character for š, and its style fallbacks to sans-serif.

    You should expand your character set here (thanks @Jukka K. Korpela for pointing out that Latin and Latin Extended are enough for this case): character set And link to an extended webfont stylesheet:

    <link href='http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Open+Sans+Condensed:300&subset=latin,latin-ext' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>

    Then your š would come beautifully: DEMO.