
jquery jtable custom click event

I have implemented jtable of jquery. I want to perform some operation on row click and also want to put separate image and also want to add my own click event on that image.

I also want to pass that row's id to that custom event.

How can I add that to jquery table?

I tried some stuffs.

LoadGrid = (function () {
            //Prepare jtable plugin
                title: 'Assets',
                paging: true,
                pageSize: 10,
                sorting: true,
                defaultSorting: 'ModelName ASC',
                actions: {
                    listAction: '/Adminsec/ManageAssets.aspx/List',
                    createAction: '/Adminsec/ManageAssets.aspx/CreateOrUpdate',
                    updateAction: '/Adminsec/ManageAssets.aspx/CreateOrUpdate',
                    deleteAction: '/Adminsec/ManageAssets.aspx/Deletes'
                updateRecord: (function() { alert("my custom action.");


  • Finally, Done.

    CustomAction: {
        title: '',
        width: '1%',
        sorting: false,
        create: false,
        edit: false,
        list: true,
        display: function (data) {
            if (data.record) {
                return '<button title="Edit Record" class="jtable-command-button jtable-edit-command-button" onclick="alert(' + data.record.TicketId + '); return false;"><span>Edit Record</span></button>';
