
Why doesn't psake evaluate my property the way I expect?

I have a simple psake script:

properties {
    $SolutionDir = "SOLUTIONDIR" # Resolve-Path ".\src"
    $Config = "Debug"
    $DeployBaseDir = "$SolutionDir\RMSS.Setup.WiX\bin\$Config"
    $InstallerName = "RMSForMoversSuite_2_0_0"

task default -depends Test

task Test {
    "CONFIG = $Config"
    "SOLUTIONDIR = $SolutionDir"
    "DEPLOYBASEDIR = $DeployBaseDir"

And I am calling it from the command line like this:

& .\psake.ps1 .\deploy.ps1 -properties @{"Config"="Staging"}

I would expect $DeployBaseDir to be equal to SOLUTIONDIR\RMSS.Setup.WiX\bin\Staging

But instead, I get this output:

CONFIG = Staging

Can anyone tell me what's happening, why, and how to get the behavior I expect?


  • From here http://codebetter.com/jameskovacs/2010/04/12/psake-v4-00/

    Support for Parameters and Properties

    Invoke-psake has two new options, –parameters and –properties. Parameters is a hashtable passed into the current build script. These parameters are processed before any ‘Properties’ functions in your build scripts, which means you can use them from within your Properties.

    invoke-psake Deploy.ps1 -parameters @{server=’Server01’}
    # Deploy.ps1
    properties {
      $serverToDeployTo = $server
    task default -depends All

    Parameters are great when you have required information. Properties on the other hand are used to override default values.

    invoke-psake Build.ps1 -properties @{config='Release'}
    # Build.ps1
    properties {
      $config = 'Debug'
    task default -depends All

    So you could either take $Config out of the properties and pass it in as a parameter.
    Or take the $DeployBaseDir out of the properties and create it inside the task block