
Interpretation of "program order rule" in Java concurrency

Program order rule states "Each action in a thread happens-before every action in that thread that comes later in the program order"

1.I read in another thread that an action is

Does this mean that reads and writes can be changed in order, but reads and writes cannot change order with actions specified in 2nd or 3rd lines?

2.What does "program order" mean?

Explanation with an examples would be really helpful.

Additional related question

Suppose I have the following code:

long tick = System.nanoTime(); //Line1: Note the time
//Block1: some code whose time I wish to measure goes here
long tock = System.nanoTime(); //Line2: Note the time

Firstly, it's a single threaded application to keep things simple. Compiler notices that it needs to check the time twice and also notices a block of code that has no dependency with surrounding time-noting lines, so it sees a potential to reorganize the code, which could result in Block1 not being surrounded by the timing calls during actual execution (for instance, consider this order Line1->Line2->Block1). But, I as a programmer can see the dependency between Line1,2 and Block1. Line1 should immediately precede Block1, Block1 takes a finite amount of time to complete, and immediately succeeded by Line2.

So my question is: Am I measuring the block correctly?

P.S.: I stole this code from another question I asked in SO recently.


  • It probably helps to explain why such rule exist in the first place.

    Java is a procedural language. I.e. you tell Java how to do something for you. If Java executes your instructions not in the order you wrote, it would obviously not work. E.g. in the below example, if Java would do 2 -> 1 -> 3 then the stew would be ruined.

    1. Take lid off
    2. Pour salt in
    3. Cook for 3 hours

    So, why does the rule not simply say "Java executes what you wrote in the order you wrote"? In a nutshell, because Java is clever. Take the following example:

    1. Take eggs out of the freezer
    2. Take lid off
    3. Take milk out of the freezer
    4. Pour egg and milk in
    5. Cook for 3 hours

    If Java was like me, it'll just execute it in order. However Java is clever enough to understand that it's more efficient AND that the end result would be the same should it do 1 -> 3 -> 2 -> 4 -> 5 (you don't have to walk to the freezer again, and that doesn't change the recipe).

    So what the rule "Each action in a thread happens-before every action in that thread that comes later in the program order" is trying to say is, "In a single thread, your program will run as if it was executed in the exact order you wrote it. We might change the ordering behind the scene but we make sure that none of that would change the output.

    So far so good. Why does it not do the same across multiple threads? In multi-thread programming, Java isn't clever enough to do it automatically. It will for some operations (e.g. joining threads, starting threads, when a lock (monitor) is used etc.) but for other stuff you need to explicitly tell it to not do reordering that would change the program output (e.g. volatile marker on fields, use of locks etc.).

    Quick addendum about "happens-before relationship". This is a fancy way of saying no matter what reordering Java might do, stuff A will happen before stuff B. In our weird later stew example, "Step 1 & 3 happens-before step 4 "Pour egg and milk in" ". Also for example, "Step 1 & 3 do not need a happens-before relationship because they don't depend on each other in any way"

    On the additional question & response to the comment

    First, let us establish what "time" means in the programming world. In programming, we have the notion of "absolute time" (what's the time in the world now?) and the notion of "relative time" (how much time has passed since x?). In an ideal world, time is time but unless we have an atomic clock built in, the absolute time would have to be corrected time to time. On the other hand, for relative time we don't want corrections as we are only interested in the differences between events.

    In Java, System.currentTime() deals with absolute time and System.nanoTime() deals with relative time. This is why the Javadoc of nanoTime states, "This method can only be used to measure elapsed time and is not related to any other notion of system or wall-clock time".

    In practice, both currentTimeMillis and nanoTime are native calls and thus the compiler can't practically prove if a reordering won't affect the correctness, which means it will not reorder the execution.

    But let us imagine we want to write a compiler implementation that actually looks into native code and reorders everything as long as it's legal. When we look at the JLS, all that it tells us is that "You can reorder anything as long as it cannot be detected". Now as the compiler writer, we have to decide if the reordering would violate the semantics. For relative time (nanoTime), it would clearly be useless (i.e. violates the semantics) if we'd reorder the execution. Now, would it violate the semantics if we'd reorder for absolute time (currentTimeMillis)? As long as we can limit the difference from the source of the world's time (let's say the system clock) to whatever we decide (like "50ms")*, I say no. For the below example:

    long tick = System.currentTimeMillis();
    result = compute();
    long tock = System.currentTimeMillis();
    print(result + ":" + tick - tock);

    If the compiler can prove that compute() takes less than whatever maximum divergence from the system clock we can permit, then it would be legal to reorder this as follows:

    long tick = System.currentTimeMillis();
    long tock = System.currentTimeMillis();
    result = compute();
    print(result + ":" + tick - tock);

    Since doing that won't violate the spec we defined, and thus won't violate the semantics.

    You also asked why this is not included in the JLS. I think the answer would be "to keep the JLS short". But I don't know much about this realm so you might want to ask a separate question for that.

    *: In actual implementations, this difference is platform dependent.