
Location for Handler class in Java web service

I'm trying to add a SOAP Handler to a web service.

The annotation added to the web service right after the @WebService annotation is:


The web service is packaged with the service class under WEB-INF/classes and the handler class is in a jar located under WEB-INF/lib.

For example:

WEB-INF/lib/JarProvidedToMe.jar  <--- Has the handler class (MyHandler.class) in it that is referenced in MyHandler.xml

MyHandler.xml (Changed the fully qualified name):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<handler-chains xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee">

When I try to deploy the web service I get ClassNotFoundException for the handler class (MyHandler.class) referenced in the MyHandler.xml.

Using Eclipse I have been able to add my own handler using the dialogs in eclipse. Eclipse put the handler class in the same location as the service class. But I need to be able to use the handler that has been provided to me in a jar file.

The web service is being deployed in an ear file to WebLogic 10.3

Please let me know if I need to describe something better. I'm new to web services and Java.



  • The issue was really that the handler code (MyHandler) was throwing an exception in the constructor. This was causing WebLogic to display a ClassNotFoundException. I fixed the issue causing the constructor to throw an exception and the handler is attached and invoked properly.