I'm trying to add a SOAP Handler to a web service.
The annotation added to the web service right after the @WebService annotation is:
The web service is packaged with the service class under WEB-INF/classes and the handler class is in a jar located under WEB-INF/lib.
For example:
WEB-INF/lib/JarProvidedToMe.jar <--- Has the handler class (MyHandler.class) in it that is referenced in MyHandler.xml
MyHandler.xml (Changed the fully qualified name):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<handler-chains xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee">
When I try to deploy the web service I get ClassNotFoundException for the handler class (MyHandler.class) referenced in the MyHandler.xml.
Using Eclipse I have been able to add my own handler using the dialogs in eclipse. Eclipse put the handler class in the same location as the service class. But I need to be able to use the handler that has been provided to me in a jar file.
The web service is being deployed in an ear file to WebLogic 10.3
Please let me know if I need to describe something better. I'm new to web services and Java.
The issue was really that the handler code (MyHandler) was throwing an exception in the constructor. This was causing WebLogic to display a ClassNotFoundException. I fixed the issue causing the constructor to throw an exception and the handler is attached and invoked properly.