As the title describes, I'm currently having an app icon issue,
I have 2 png, 1 is 57x57 Icon.png, another one is 114X114 Icon@2x.png
I store both of them under Supporting Files on xcode.
Here is how my -Info.plist look like:
But not on my Real iphone5, it only displays as a white square on my iPhone..
Basically do not try to rewrite the info.plist file. Here comes all the mess. Avoid to modify it.
Solution : pre: Delete all the icon files from the app summary (right click on the icon -> delete file) 1. delete app from simulator 2. Resert simulator 3. Clean project CMD + Shift + K 4. Clean cahe CMD + Shift + ALT + K 5. Build project 6. Add new Icon 7. Try to upload on device