
Get list of files from FTP server

I'm trying to get a list of all the files we have on a server ( specifically every pdf file we have there ). I've tried using total commander and search for the files. It worked to some extent, as in, i got a list of every pdf we had there, but no way of exporting the results ( we have 100.000+ files there )

I've tried using a bash script to get the information, but i'm not very experienced with linux, and i don't really know what i'm doing.

My script looks like this :

ftp -i -nv $hostname << EOF
user <username> <password>
ls -R 

Running the above script i get

?Invalid command
501 Illegal PORT command
ftp: bind: Address already in use
221 Goodbye

Any help or pointing me on what to search would be greatly appreciated.


  • Try to configure ftp to use the PASV (passive) mode for data transfers. This done with the -p switch.

    I'm not sure if you will be able to do a recursive file listing with this ftp-client. ls -R in my case just gave the list of files and directories in the current working dir. Maybe Recursive FTP directory listing in shell/bash with a single session (using cURL or ftp) will help you.