I have a Spaceship object that has 2 methods. First method is move()
char touche;
if(_kbhit() != 0)
touche = _getch();
if(touche == 'k' || touche == 'l')
Second method is shoot()
char touche;
if(_kbhit() != 0)
touche = _getch();
if(touche == char(32))
if(nbLasers < 30)
Both methods are called in a while, one after the other, so the second method almost never works, because I would need to be pressing "Space" exactly after it has went through the move() method. I want to keep the 2 methods seperated, is there a way to make this work?
One simple approach would be to make a new method read_keyboard()
That function should store the keyboard state, and your other methods can just read that stored state.
if(_kbhit() != 0)
// I'm only explicitly writing "this->" to show that it's a member variable.
this->touche = _getch();
this->touche = 0;
For example, move
now simply becomes:
if(touche == 'k' || touche == 'l')