
Sharepoint Timer Jobs

Is there a way to adjust the schedule of a Sharepoint timer job? The only options I'm seeing in central admin is the option to enable/disable the job and a way to change the job name. Are there some kind of permissions that I need to actually start a job or edit any meaningful data?

I inherited a couple of projects when someone left the company, so please pardon my absolute ignorance of all things Sharepoint.

Thanks Joe


  • You cannot adjust timer jobs via the UI. And you cannot start a timer job by yourself, they get started by the Windows SharePoint Services Timer service who is responsible for them. To set the schedule for a timer job you have to access and edit the SPJobDefinition object (name of the timer job class in the SharePoint object model) via code.

    A SPJobDefinition object has a Schedule property to which you can pass a SPSchedule object to set the start time and the repetition of the job. There are different schedule classes you can select from:

    But I wouldn't change the schedule of the timer jobs that come with SharePoint unless you know what you are doing.