I can't render my items on view using will_paginate. I get this error
undefined method `total_pages' for #<Enumerator:0x007fe098856378>
Here is my pagination on controller
@com = @text.comments.sorted.paginate(:page => 1, :per_page => 30)
and my view file code.
<% will_paginate @com.each do |text| %>
<div class="comments"> <p class="time"><%= Time.now %></p>
<p><%= text.text %></p></div>
And the controller file is
def show
@text = Microblog.find(params[:id])
@com = @text.comments.sorted.paginate(:page => 1, :per_page => 2)
@rating = (@text.up - @text.down)
And the model file
class Comment < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :text, :microblog_id
belongs_to :microblog
scope :sorted, order("comments.created_at DESC")
I can't find what is the problem here :(
You are mixing the pagination widget (< 1 2 3 >) with the listing of your available elements. What you want is:
<% will_paginate @com %>
<% @com.each do |text| %>
<div class="comments"> <p class="time"><%= Time.now %></p>
<p><%= text.text %></p></div>