
How do you style TextFlow with CSS Styles in Flex 4.5.1?

I would like to be able to style a TextFlow element with styles defined in my CSS file. My current TextFlow implementation is shown below but changes to my styles do not seem to take effect. How would I style TextFlow with CSS styles in Flex 4.5.1?

// In defaults.css
    fontFamily: "Trebuchet MS";
    fontWeight: normal;
    fontStyle: normal;
    fontSize: 25;
    color: #FF0000;

    fontFamily: "Trebuchet MS";
    fontWeight: normal;
    fontStyle: normal;
    fontSize: 12;
    color: #525252;

// In MySkin.mxml
<s:RichText left="5" right="5" top="5" bottom="5" id="richText">
            <s:p styleName="textHeader">
                Cupcake cookie cotton candy chupa chups biscuit marzipan. 
            <s:p styleName="textBody">
                Cupcake cookie cotton candy chupa chups biscuit marzipan. 
                Jelly beans cake jujubes. Powder cotton candy apple pie applicake. 
                Bear claw powder dessert macaroon.


  • I don't think you can do this. At least not easily. According to Adobe, TLF doesn't support CSS style declarations:


    However, you might find 3rd party implementations that work:


    (I haven't tried it myself).