
Why does 2.10 insist on specifying type parameter bounds (worked fine in 2.9)?

I have the following case class:

case class Alert[T <: Transport](destination: Destination[T], message: Message[T])

In Scala 2.9.2, the following method signature has compiled fine:

def send(notification: Alert[_]) {
  notification match {

Now in Scala 2.10.1 it fails to compile with the following error:

type arguments [_$1] do not conform to class Alert's type parameter bounds [T <: code.notifications.Transport]

Why is this? How can I fix the error? Simply giving the same type bounds to send results in a lot more compile errors...

Update: Looking at SIP-18, I don't think the reason is that I don't have existential types enabled, as SIP-18 says it's only needed for non-wildcard types, which is exactly what I do have here.


  • There error seems to be saying that the existential type "_" is not constrained to be a subtype of Transport. This may be the preferred solution,

    trait Transport
    trait Destination[T]
    trait Message[T]
    case class Alert[T <: Transport](destination: Destination[T], message: Message[T])
    def send[T <: Transport](notification: Alert[T]) {
      notification match {
        case _ => ()

    This also seems to work,

    def send(notification: Alert[_ <: Transport])

    but I think it's preferable not to use existential types.