I want to match in PHP the last capitalize (http://php.net/manual/en/function.ucfirst.php) character in the string.
To add to the complication I want to ignore everything after a different string, e.g. a sequence of uppercases that not capitalized or in camel case style.
Here follow some examples of what should and shouldnt match
Foobar => Expected char: F
fooBar => Expected char: B
A_fooBar => Expected char: B
fooBAR => Expected char: B (Most complicated situation)
No matches:
foo A_bar
foo bar foo bar
foobar /* Comment */
So far I've tried the following regex:
but with no luck. From Question: the Regexp match any uppercase characters except a particular string (Very similar situation)
And another regex
I believe this matches where appropriate, and will ignore your other examples as well.