
Can we have add-ons(FireFox) or extensions(Chrome) in the mobile browsers [Android or iPhone]

Can we have add-ons(FireFox) or extensions(Chrome) in the mobile browsers like how we are using them with web browsers.

Can we do the following things:

  1. Install an extension or plugin or add-on in the Mobile browser. (Mobile device can be Anything android or iPhone).

  2. And can we utilize the touch and text area click events like how we are using to get them and code something ourself for our plugin use.

  3. Can we use a javascript or ajax calls and accessing the browser events without using an webview.

  4. I need to know that:

If user types or clicks in the text fields, I have to get to know that and do access the browser text field and do some useful things by code.

But I don't want to use a separate web view application. And I do want to stay in the browsers current view itself and do the above things.

For Android is dare needed one. Please help me out for this, I had to research a lot but I couldn't find the solution.

I want to know whether we can do this or not.


  • Its not possible to add extension on chrome for android according to this.

    It is possible to have a few addons on firefox for android. Just visit the firefox addons website from you device. It probably shows only the ones that can be installed on the device.