
XmlRpcException during TeamCity build agent registration

I have installed the TeamCity build agent on my machine a few different ways- using Java Web Start and the manual .zip distribution. Both result in viable installations, as I have once or twice been able to connect and register properly with the TeamCity server. However, upon restarting (<install_location>/bin/ stop...<install_location>/bin/ start) I get the following error in teamcity-agent.log (with extra debugging turned on in the log4j config file).

    [2013-04-03 09:05:09,870]  DEBUG -   jetbrains.buildServer.XMLRPC - faultStringjava.lang.RuntimeException: org.jdom.input.JDOMParseException: Error on line 28: XML document structures must start and end within the same entity.faultCode0 
    [2013-04-03 09:05:09,878]  DEBUG - buildServer.AGENT.registration - jetbrains.buildServer.xmlrpc.RemoteCallException: Call http://teamcityserver:8080/RPC2 buildServer.registerAgent3: org.apache.xmlrpc.XmlRpcException: java.lang.RuntimeException: org.jdom.input.JDOMParseException: Error on line 28: XML document structures must start and end within the same entity. 
    jetbrains.buildServer.xmlrpc.RemoteCallException: Call http://teamcityserver:8080/RPC2 buildServer.registerAgent3: org.apache.xmlrpc.XmlRpcException: java.lang.RuntimeException: org.jdom.input.JDOMParseException: Error on line 28: XML document structures must start and end within the same entity.
      at jetbrains.buildServer.agent.impl.ServerXmlRpcProxy.registerAgent3(
      at jetbrains.buildServer.agent.impl.BuildAgentImpl.doRegisterOnBuildServer(
      at jetbrains.buildServer.agent.impl.BuildAgentImpl.registerOnBuildServer(
    Caused by: org.apache.xmlrpc.XmlRpcException: java.lang.RuntimeException: org.jdom.input.JDOMParseException: Error on line 28: XML document structures must start and end within the same entity.
      at org.apache.xmlrpc.XmlRpcClientResponseProcessor.decodeException(
      at org.apache.xmlrpc.XmlRpcClientResponseProcessor.decodeResponse(
      at org.apache.xmlrpc.XmlRpcClientWorker.execute(
      at org.apache.xmlrpc.TCXmlRpcClient$1.execute(
      at org.apache.xmlrpc.XmlRpcClient.execute(
      at org.apache.xmlrpc.XmlRpcClient.execute(
      at org.apache.xmlrpc.XmlRpcClient.execute(
      at jetbrains.buildServer.xmlrpc.impl.CommonsXmlRpcTargetImpl$1.execute(
      ... 4 more
    [2013-04-03 09:05:09,878]   WARN - buildServer.AGENT.registration - Call http://teamcityserver:8080/RPC2 buildServer.registerAgent3: org.apache.xmlrpc.XmlRpcException: java.lang.RuntimeException: org.jdom.input.JDOMParseException: Error on line 28: XML document structures must start and end within the same entity. 
    [2013-04-03 09:05:09,878]   WARN - buildServer.AGENT.registration - Connection to TeamCity server is probably lost. Will be trying to restore it. Take a look at logs/teamcity-agent.log for details (unless you're using custom logging). 

This is the xml in question according to the logs with extra xmlrpc debugging:

<?xml version="1.0"?><methodCall><methodName>buildServer.registerAgent3</methodName><params><param><value><![CDATA[<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<agentDetails agentName="aaronhbox_0" agentPort="9090" authToken="" osName="Linux, version 3.5.0-17-generic">
    <runner runType="Ant" />
    <runner runType="Duplicator" />
    <runner runType="gradle-runner" />
    <runner runType="Inspection" />
    <runner runType="Ipr" />
    <runner runType="JPS" />
    <runner runType="Maven2" />
    <runner runType="rake-runner" />
    <runner runType="simpleRunner" />
    <vcs name="perforce" />
    <vcs name="mercurial" />
    <vcs name="jetbrains.git" />
    <vcs name="svn" />
    <vcs name="cvs" />
    <param name="env.COLORTERM" value="gnome-terminal" />
    <param name="env.COMP_WORDBREAKS"><![CDATA["'><;|]]></value></param></params></methodCall> 

Only once have I been able to restart the agent and have it connect again properly. Generally, I can install it, have it run once, then restarting it gives this error. Any ideas?


  • It looks like the formatting of the COMP_WORDBREAKS environment variable was messing with the xml structure and not allowing the complete generation of the xml request message.

    The COMP_WORDBREAKS value on my machine is "'><;|&(:. Placing the following line in the file fixed this problem and allows the agent to properly register.


    I don't see any side-effects yet of making this change; the agent now seems to behave properly.