
Grails: Automating Grails Plugin Installations

Imagine that we have a grails plugin (that we're developing) and also a test app that we're using to test the grails plugin. I'm trying to test the _Install.groovy script of the plugin, but it's quite a process each time.

Can anyone please recommend way using gant or bash to automate the process of:

  1. Increment the version of the plugin
  2. Package the plugin
  3. Check if the plugin is already installed in the test app and if it is, remove it.
  4. Re-install the plugin.

Much appreciated,


  • The answer for me was to create a groovy/GANT script and execute it via the command line.

    In my plugin, I have a scripts directory and in there I created a script called Deploy.groovy.

    Running the command

    grails deploy

    Automatically executes this script. The script packages the plugin using built in grails targets, then executes grails commands via the commandline.


    includeTargets << grailsScript("PackagePlugin_")
    includeTool <<
    target(main: "This is the script that tries to test what's going on...") {
        println ("1. Package the plugin")
        println ("2. Confirm the directory")"cd ~/quirk-projects/admin-cms-plugin-test && pwd")
        println ("3. Remove the plugin ")"cd ~/quirk-projects/admin-cms-plugin-test && grails uninstall-plugin grails-admin-cms-plugin")
        println ("4. Install the plugin ")"cd ~/quirk-projects/admin-cms-plugin-test && grails install-plugin ../admin-cms-plugin/")
        println ("5. Run Application")"cd ~/quirk-projects/admin-cms-plugin-test && grails run-app")
        println ("6. Your plugin is ready for testing...")

    To increment, I wrote a script that simply edits the source file and increments the version number:


    eventCompileStart = { kind ->
        println("Incrementing Version Number for next time")
        def version = metadata.'version'
        if (!version) {
            version = '1'
        } else {
            version = version.toInteger() + 1
        metadata.'version' = version.toString()
        def file = new File("${basedir}/AdminCmsPluginGrailsPlugin.groovy")
        def script = file.text
        def array = script.split("\n")
        for (int i = 0 ; i < array.length; i++) {
            if (array[i].indexOf("def version") > -1) {
                array[i] = "    def version = 0." + version
        def newScript = array.join(System.getProperty("line.separator"))
        file.text = newScript