
How to fork the jvm for each test in sbt

I am working with some classes that (for some reason) can only be used once within a single VM. My test cases work if I run them individually (fork := true) enabled in my sbt settings.

If I run more than one of these tests, they fail with an exception that has to with a thread executor rejecting a task (it's most likely closed). It would be very time consuming to find out what causes the problem and even if I find the problem, I might not be able to resolve it (I do not have access to the source code).

I am currently using the specs2 test framework, but any test framework using sbt would be acceptable.

Is there any test framework for sbt that is capable of running each test in a jvm fork?

Thoughts or ideas on possible other solutions are of course welcome.


  • It turns out this is fairly easy to achieve. The documentation is sufficient and can be found at Testing - Forking tests

    // Define a method to group tests, in my case a single test per group
    def singleTests(tests: Seq[TestDefinition]) =
      tests map { test =>
        new Group(
          name =,
          tests = Seq(test),
          runPolicy = SubProcess(javaOptions = Seq.empty[String]))
    // Add the following to the `Project` settings
    testGrouping in Test <<= definedTests in Test map singleTests