In my Jquery Mobile website I am using href for back button like;
<a id='{0}' class='{1}' href='/' data-role=""button"" data-icon=""arrow-l"" data-transition=""slide"" data-direction=""reverse"">
but if I have scroll on first page, back button jumps back to top again. First page does not stay on same position.
Is there any solution for this?
I had this issue i fixed it using iSroll
While going from PageA to PageB save the scroll position of PageA in a variable.
to do this modify the iscroll.js and add getScrollY method under scrollTo like this
scrollTo : function(x, y, time, relative) {
var that = this, step = x, i, l;
if (!step.length)
step = [{
x : x,
y : y,
time : time,
relative : relative
for ( i = 0, l = step.length; i < l; i++) {
if (step[i].relative) {
step[i].x = that.x - step[i].x;
step[i].y = that.y - step[i].y;
x : step[i].x,
y : step[i].y,
time : step[i].time || 0
getScrollY : function() {
var that = this;
return that.y;
Now save the current position before page change like this
curScrollPos = myScroll.getScrollY();
And set the scroll position while going back to that PageA, i am doing this on pagehide event of PageB
myScroll.scrollTo(0, curScrollPos, 1);
This way i solved my issue, hope this helps.
If you want to find out more about this topic take a look at this article, you will also find working examples.