
Drag and drop items to div, and have option to revert to original position

As described, i want to be able to drag some divs from a sort of menu that i have, and be able to drop them to a specific div.. i managed to do sort of it following this..


however, i want to add a "x" button on each one, so that onclick of the "x" button the draggable/droppable element to return (revert) to its original position..

i had found this


which seemed kind of what i wanted (actually i want a unique button for each and not a overall one.. but 1) this doesn't seem to be dropped even on jsfiddle 2) on my test, i get an error in the console "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'originalPosition' of undefined "

and specifically the error gets in this line ui.draggable.data("draggable").originalPosition);

here is the js part..

function revertDraggable($selector) {
    $selector.each(function() {
        var $this = $(this),
            position = $this.data("originalPosition");

        if (position) {
                left: position.left,
                top: position.top
            }, 500, function() {
                $this.data("originalPosition", null);

$(document).ready(function() {
        revert: "invalid"

        drop: function(event, ui) {
            if (!ui.draggable.data("originalPosition")) {

    $("#other").click(function() {


and my html looks like this

droppable position i want to be able to be dropped only in the foo

<div id="container">
    <div id="floor">foo</div>
    <div id="other">bar</div>

and the initial position

 <div class="menu" id="power" width="300">
<div class="options ui-widget-content" id="drag"><img src="1.jpg"/></div>
    <div class="options ui-widget-content" id="drag2"><img src="2.jpg"/></div>

p.s. can this be down with just jquery and not plugin jquery.ui?


  • Mixed code from 2 samples

        tolerance: 'fit'
        revert: 'invalid',
        stop: function(){
    $('.draggable-div').find('.undo').click(function(i, e) {
        var $div = $(this).parent();
        greedy: true,
        tolerance: 'touch',
        drop: function(event,ui){
           // ui.draggable.draggable('option','revert',true);
            if (!ui.draggable.data("originalPosition")) {
    function revertDraggable($selector) {
        $selector.each(function() {
            var $this = $(this),
                position = $this.data("originalPosition");
            if (position) {
                    left: position.left,
                    top: position.top
                }, 500, function() {
                    $this.data("originalPosition", null);

    See full code here.

    It works now