PGSQL supports "serial" field type, which is converted to:
colname integer DEFAULT nextval('tablename_colname_seq') NOT NULL
This makes the identifier generating very easy.
In the Firebird I saw only trigger based solutions.
Is it possible to use same solution in Firebird for avoid the trigger creation for each table?
colname integer DEFAULT gen_id(generator, 1)
I don't have installed Firebird version now to check it, but maybe somebody knows the answer.
Or can I use "my function" for this? Pseudo:
create function mygenid(genname) returns integer
return gen_id(genname);
create table x(
colname integer DEFAULT mygenid(generator, 1)
Firebird 2.5 and earlier only support triggers for generating ids. Firebird 3.0 introduced an option to specify it in the table DDL with generated by default as identity
create table objects (
id integer generated by default as identity primary key,
name varchar(15)
This is syntactic sugar that will create the trigger and associated sequence for you.
In addition, Firebird 4.0 introduced generated always as identity
, which will - by default - not allow you to insert your own values, unless you're using the overriding system value