Is there a simple, lightweight/inexpensive call to determine if an object supports a named method? So, in this the obj.respondsTo would be great.
dynamic _toJson(dynamic obj) {
return obj.respondsTo('toJson'))? obj.toJson() : obj;
class Foo {
String foo = "";
Bar bar = new Bar();
Map toJson() {
return {
"foo" : _toJson(foo),
"bar" : _toJson(bar)
One alternative would be just call it and catch a noSuchMethod exception, but I imagine that is bad practice and expensive?
The short answer is, 'no'. The answer provided by Frédéric Hamidi is not incorrect, but it does not work in dart2js (dart:mirrors is largely unimplemented in dart2js).
Also, while checking whether an object responds to a particular method is very common in other languages (Ruby, for example), it does not seem particularly Dart-y to me. Maybe once mirrors are fully supported in Dart, this will change.
And its hard to say whether reflection based on mirrors is 'lightweight/inexpensive'. It depends on the use case and how you define these terms.
I would say that your best bet is call the method on the object, catch the NoSuchMethod exception, and implement some default error-handling behavior. This especially makes sense if you normally expect the method to be present.