I would like to combine two select queries with UNION
How can I use the result from the first SELECT
in the second SELECT
(SELECT carto_id_key FROM table1
WHERE tag_id = 16)
(SELECT * FROM table2
WHERE carto_id_key = <the carto_id result from above> )
Use a CTE to reuse the result from a subquery in more than one SELECT
WITH cte AS (SELECT carto_id_key FROM table1 WHERE tag_id = 16)
SELECT carto_id_key
FROM cte
SELECT t2.some_other_id_key
FROM cte
JOIN table2 t2 ON t2.carto_id_key = ctex.carto_id_key
You most probably want UNION ALL
instead of UNION
. Doesn't exclude duplicates and is faster this way.