I'm trying to use Google Maps Android API v2, and I have already created the SHA1 key from my release cert.
I've read the comments from here and have made everything right, including the permissions for READ_GSERVICES
which wasn't stated in Google's instructions here
However I'm still having the error of
E/Google Maps Android API(12334): Failed to load map. Could not contact Google servers.
Can anyhow enlighten me if I still have something left out?
I've included this as well:
<uses-permission android:name="com.example.permission.MAPS_RECEIVE"/>
in my applcation tag.
UPDATE: Just Managed to remove that error, realied that I typed my READ_GSERVICES wrongly.
However, now I'm having this problem:
01-24 16:58:08.628: E/Google Maps Android API(28025): Authorization failure.
What is causing this problem? my SHA1 is obtained from my release cert, is that wrong?
Here's another thing to watch out for: I registered the same SHA1 hash with two different API projects. (Yes, I know this is silly, but I was experimenting with different ways to fix a problem.)
I mention this here, because you may have everything properly configured but you have MORE THAN ONE key for your project on Google's API console. (Here's hoping this silly mistake doesn't happen to you.)