
possible to run RShiny app without opening an R environment?

Currently I have a R shiny app, to run it I open up RStudio and execute


From a R script located in my directory.

I am sending the app for review purposes to a co-worker who doesn't know how to use R.

Is there an easy way to write an executable that directly opens the UI without having to open R studio to execute the code?


  • RStudio != R

    There is a simple command-line interface to R, which you can run on Windows by running R.exe in the bin folder of your R installation.

    There's also Rscript.exe, which can run an expression or a script file. For example:

    C:\Program Files\R\R-2.15.2\bin\RScript -e hist(runif(1000))

    will (given the right paths) create a PDF file with a histogram in it.


    Or get it hosted on the RStudio guys' public shiny server, but then we can all see it.