
Adding actionListener to jCalendar

How would I add an actionListener to the jDayChooser component of an existing jCalendar placed using netbeans?

I would like to only trigger an event only when the day buttons are clicked. as the propertyChange in jCalendar listens to even the jMonthChooser and jYearChooser

P.S. using toedter's jCalendar


  • Alternatively, you can listen for the specific propertyName, "day".

    JDayChooser jdc = new JDayChooser();
    jdc.addPropertyChangeListener("day", new PropertyChangeListener() {
        public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent e) {
            System.out.println(e.getPropertyName()+ ": " + e.getNewValue());

    Addendum: How do I get it to work on a JCalendar?

    Similarly, the propertyName, "calendar" represents a Calendar from which you can get() the DAY_OF_MONTH.

    JCalendar jc = new JCalendar();
    jc.addPropertyChangeListener("calendar", new PropertyChangeListener() {
        public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent e) {
            final Calendar c = (Calendar) e.getNewValue();   