
Viewer tool for Global Assembly Cache (Viewer)

To view a list of the assemblies in the global assembly cache, at the command prompt, type the following command: gacutil –l

In earlier versions of the .NET Framework, the Shfusion.dll Windows shell extension enabled you to view the global assembly cache in Windows Explorer. Beginning with the .NET Framework version 4, Shfusion.dll is obsolete.

Any visual tool view the contents of the global assembly cache in .NET 4.0 - CLR 4.0 ? I would like viewer tool and not execute commandline (gacutil -l).


GACView by Nirsoft.net does not support .NET 4.0 (CLR 4.0)


Update march 2012:

GAC Browser http://gacbrowser.blogspot.com/2008/03/gac-browser-introduction.html


  • GAC Browser is useful for GAC CLR 2.0 and CLR 4.0