
Is there any way to retrieve Amazon product code?

I am trying to display the amazon products of a specific category on my website using amazon product advertising api. I am writing code is I am being able to successfully retrieve its price, title,image,url.I also want to get its product id that amazon uses.I had a look at its documentation in which they had mentioned something about the UPC(universal product code) and ASIN.But they have explained look up search based on UPC and ASIN. I am too confused as to how to get its product id.

String requestString ="Service=AWSECommerceService"
               + "&Version=2013-29-03"
               + "&Operation=ItemSearch"
               + "&AssociateTag=myassociatetag"
               + "&SearchIndex=" +category
               + "&ItemPage=5"
               + "&Sort=relevancerank"
               + "&ResponseGroup=ItemAttributes,Images"
               + "&Keywords=" + keyword
               + "&Timestamp=[YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ]"

Can you please help me and tell me where to add itemid in this requeststring. Thank you .


  • Add the response group "ItemIds" to retrieve "ASIN" into your request parameter

    UPC is returned by "ItemAttributes" response group which is already in your will only return UPC if it exists in Amazon Database.