
Is there a way to check what Style is setting a property's value for a control?

Just wondering if there is any tool to see what Style is setting a property value for a control. In our application, all the RadComboBoxes have IsEditable property set to true. There is some DLL that we are using is causing this. I am guessing there is some Style without a Keyfor the RadComboBox that sets this.

In WPF Inspector, I can see that every RadComboBox control in our App has IsEditable set to True. And under the Resources section there are a bunch of resources that show up, and some of these are set inside some external DLLs that we include in our project.

I would like to know what particular Style is causing this, so that we can narrow down our problem.


  • I usually check who set the property on Telerik controls by using Snoop.

    Pin the element with Control + Shift + Mouse hover. Then select exact element in visual tree, select the suspecting Style property and use Delve button to see properties of Style property, namely look for x:Key.

    When you find the key (usually RadSometingStyle or Template), open the install directory of Telerik controls, browse to Themes foleder and search over the all xaml files there. You'll find the style definition there. Good luck... :)