I have a TextView that displays some HTML code (images included, ImageGetter).
The html is not mine, but I can ask them to include custom scheme links, maybe even tags.
Purpose: to display some dynamically generated content without the need to play with nested Android layouts.
Problem: some links must be handled in the application (new Fragment loaded).
Can't use a receiver for action.VIEW, since it's an Activity Intent, not a broadcast, and its use will be very contextual, so only a programmatically registered receiver would do.
I'm usingtextView.setText(Html.fromHtml(content.content, imageGetter, null)
. need everything to remain the same, except some spans should have my own onClick
on it. I'm not very familiar with Spanned, so I see these options:
, and replace the URLSpans I want with a custom ClickableSpan (how?)append
takes a CharSequence only, and I get RelativeSizeSpan, StyleSpan, ImageSpan, URLSpan...)Html.fromHtml
(or close enough) for all else?[edit]
Thanks to MH. for the info. I had tried that before, but failed. Now that i returned to it, I found i had made an error, passing the wrong item to the 1st argument of setSpan.
If anyone's interested, i now use this:
public static interface OnSpanClickListener {
void onClick(String url);
public static SpannableStringBuilder getSpannable(String source, ImageGetter imageGetter, String scheme, final OnSpanClickListener clickHandler){
SpannableStringBuilder b = (SpannableStringBuilder) Html.fromHtml(source, imageGetter, null);
for(URLSpan s : b.getSpans(0, b.length(), URLSpan.class)){
String s_url = s.getURL();
URLSpan newSpan = new URLSpan(s_url.substring(scheme.length()+3)){
public void onClick(View view) {
b.setSpan(newSpan, b.getSpanStart(s), b.getSpanEnd(s), b.getSpanFlags(s));
return b;
body.setText(getSpannable(content.content, imageGetter, getResources().getString(R.string.poster_scheme), new OnSpanClickListener(){
public void onClick(String url) {
// do whatever
Option 1 is probably most straightforward and most of the hard work for it has already been done before. You've got the general idea correct: after the HTML has been processed, you can request all the generated URLSpan
instances and loop through them. You can then replace it with a customized clickable span to get full controls over any of the span clicks.
In the example below, I'm just replacing every URLSpan
with a simple extension of that class that takes the original url (actually, I should probably say 'uri') and replace its scheme part. I've left the actual onClick()
logic unimplemented, but I'll leave that up to your imagination.
SpannableStringBuilder builder = ...
URLSpan[] spans = builder .getSpans(0, builder .length(), URLSpan.class);
for (URLSpan span : spans) {
int start = builder .getSpanStart(span);
int end = builder .getSpanEnd(span);
span = new CustomURLSpan(span.getURL().replace("http://", "scheme://"));
s.setSpan(span, start, end, 0);
As mentioned earlier, here the CustomURLSpan
class is a simple extension of URLSpan
that takes a url and overrides the onClick()
method so our own logic can be executed there.
public class CustomURLSpan extends URLSpan {
public CustomURLSpan(String url) {
@Override public void onClick(View widget) {
// custom on click behaviour here
Some related Q&A's that basically do a similar thing (might be helpful for some more inspiration):