
Is there a way to access the iteration number in replicate()?

Is there some way to access the current replication number in the replicate function so I can use it as a variable in the repeated evaluation? For example in this trivial example I'd like to use the current replication number to generate a list of variable length vectors of the current replication number. For example, x below would represent the current replicate:

replicate( 3 , rep( x , sample.int(5,1) ) )

I know this trivial example is easy to do with lapply

lapply( 1:3 , function(x) rep( x , sample.int(5,1) ) )

But can you access the replication counter in replicate?


  • No, at least not in a supported, user-friendly way. As Arun put it:

    > replicate
    function (n, expr, simplify = "array") 
    sapply(integer(n), eval.parent(substitute(function(...) expr)), 
        simplify = simplify)
    > sapply
    function (X, FUN, ..., simplify = TRUE, USE.NAMES = TRUE) 
        FUN <- match.fun(FUN)
        answer <- lapply(X = X, FUN = FUN, ...)

    Now this is what sapply sees if you pass 3:

    > integer(3)
    [1] 0 0 0

    Why don't you write your own version of replicate to use as a shortcut?