
Navigate slow to id in URL

On my homepage I have a menu with ID's, when I click it, it slides to the corresponding div and it works smooth.

But when I'm not on my homepage and I click an item I want to be able to go to the homepage and then slide to the section.

Here is the code I'm using now:

$('#mainMenu a').click(function(e){
    var div = $(this).attr('href');
    if('<?=get_site_url()?>/' == '<?=get_permalink()?>')
        $('html, body').animate({scrollTop:$(div).position().top}, 'slow');
        window.location.href = '<?=get_site_url()?>/'+div;

This works excellent, the next part works to but I can't get it to slide to the ID.

if (window.location.hash != "") {
    $('html, body').animate({scrollTop:$(window.location.hash).position().top}, 'slow');

Is there a way I can prevent the browser from directly jumping to the section and instead sliding to it?


  • This works like a charm:

    $('#mainMenu a').click(function(e){
        var div = $(this).attr('href');
        if('<?=get_site_url()?>/' == '<?=get_permalink()?>')
            $('html, body').animate({scrollTop:$(div).position().top}, 'slow');
            localStorage.setItem("hash", div);
            window.location.href = '<?=get_site_url()?>/';
    if (localStorage.getItem("hash")!=null) {
        $('html, body').animate({scrollTop:$(localStorage.getItem("hash")).position().top}, 'slow');

    Instead of putting the hash in my url I stored it in localStorage and in my head of the page I checked if it was set.

    Founded this solution just a few minutes after posting the question, thanks to those who helped me :)