
Quickly open table in SQLDeveloper

I use Oracle SQL Developer for a pretty big project, with a great number of tables.

Is there a way I can quickly open a table by typing its name ?

For example, in IntelliJIDEA, the ctrl + shift + N shortcut opens a small pop-in window with a field, where I can type the file's name. Files containing the search text in their names are displayed, and I can quickly open one of them by tapping Enter.

I know tables are sorted alphabeticaly in the left-hand side pannel, but I have many tables, I believe this would save me some time.

Is there something similar in Oracle SQLDeveloper ?


  • From the View menu there is a 'Find DB Objects' option, which opens a (dockable, and docked by default I think) window; with your connection selected you can find any object by name. Not quite as fast as you want maybe, but you can leave that window open if you have room I suppose. You can use wildcards if necessary.

    If you're in an SQL Worksheet you can right-click on a table name and choose 'Popup Describe', which opens the same object view in a new window, but that doesn't help if you don't know the whole name.

    Just starting to type a table name (after a from!) in an SQL Worksheet will bring up an auto-complete list of matches, if you have that configured (Preferences->Code Editor->Completion Insight).