
JRI REXP boolean values

I want to get results from an method which is called kruskalmc.

The results in R console look like that:

Multiple comparison test after Kruskal-Wallis 
p.value: 0.05 
      obs.dif critical.dif difference  
1-2    7.65     9.425108      FALSE
1-3   14.40     9.425108       TRUE 
2-3    6.75     9.425108      FALSE

Now i want to get the values from the difference column.

If i try to get it in java with:

REXP res = re.eval("result$$difference");

I'll get back something like this: [BOOLi* ]

How can i iterate through in BOOLi object in java?

What i want are the values FALSE TRUE FALSE.


  • I haven't used JRI much but since no-one has answered you I'll go for it.

    I could be wrong, but it seems there is no method for converting res to a boolean array – although there are methods for converting to int[], double[] and String[]. You could convert your result to integers like this:

    REXP res = re.eval("result$$difference");
    int[] x = res.asIntArray();
    for (int i = 0; i < x.length; i++) {

    You will get back 1 representing TRUE values and 0 representing FALSE. You can convert those numbers to booleans if you want from Java then or just work with them as they are.

    Not an ideal solution so I hope someone comes up with something better.