
Any examples of loading to BigQuery using a POST request and Java client library?

Does anyone have any examples of creating a new insert job for BigQuery using both:


  • You need to call the method.

    I don't know what you have done yet but you should have an authenticated client to the API at least like:

    bigquery = new Bigquery.Builder(HTTP_TRANSPORT, JSON_FACTORY, credentials)

    That's a simplified version of an insertRows method i wrote using the google-http-client library for java and the bigquery-api (you should check that the dataset exists, validate ids etc.):

    public Long insertRows(String projectId, 
                           String datasetId, 
                           String tableId, 
                           InputStream schema,
                           AbstractInputStreamContent data) {
        try {
            // Defining table fields
            ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
            List<TableFieldSchema> schemaFields = mapper.readValue(schema, new TypeReference<List<TableFieldSchema>>(){});
            TableSchema tableSchema = new TableSchema().setFields(schemaFields);
            // Table reference
            TableReference tableReference = new TableReference()
            // Load job configuration
            JobConfigurationLoad loadConfig = new JobConfigurationLoad()
                    // Data in Json format (could be CSV)
                    // Table is created if it does not exists
                    // Append data (not override data)
            // If your data are coming from Google Cloud Storage
            // Load job
            Job loadJob = new Job()
                            new JobReference()
                                    .setJobId(Joiner.on("-").join("INSERT", projectId, datasetId,
                    .setConfiguration(new JobConfiguration().setLoad(loadConfig));
            // Job execution
            Job createTableJob =, loadJob, data).execute();
            // If loading data from Google Cloud Storage
            //createTableJob =, loadJob).execute();
            String jobId = createTableJob.getJobReference().getJobId();
            // Wait for job completion
            createTableJob = waitForJob(projectId, createTableJob);
            Long rowCount = createTableJob != null ? createTableJob.getStatistics().getLoad().getOutputRows() : 0l;
  "{} rows inserted in table '{}' (dataset: '{}', project: '{}')", rowCount, tableId, datasetId, projectId);
            return rowCount;
        catch (IOException e) { throw Throwables.propagate(e); }

    I don't know the format of your data but if your are using files, you can add a function like:

     public Long insertRows(String projectId, String datasetId, String tableId, File schema, File data) {
        try {
            return insertRows(projectId, datasetId, tableId, new FileInputStream(schema),
                    new FileContent(MediaType.OCTET_STREAM.toString(), data));
        catch (FileNotFoundException e) { throw Throwables.propagate(e); }