Hi I am using a loop to get
various pages.
The code:
while($stm->fetch()) {
$mech->select( 'this', 'that' );
$mech->tick( 'this' => undef );
$mech->tick( 'this' => undef );
$mech->tick( 'this' => undef );
$mech->tick( 'this' => undef );
my $button = $mech->selector('input.button', single => 1);
The code above downloads the file after clicking the button. However it stops after the first iteration.
I have changed the configuration of Firefox to disable the download manager popup.
I received this error once:
MozRepl::RemoteObject::Object has no function addProgressListener at `$mech->get(**#TheURL**);`
Any assistance would be appreciated. Thanks.
I have found that it gets stuck on the first download because WWW::Mechanize::Firefox is waiting for a response or postback which it does not get. A file is just downloaded.
This is the place where it stop. If i manually manipulate the page (ie. go back or go to the homepage or a new URL), it will continue on the loop. So it is waiting for a new page load.
How do i tell WWW::Mechanize::Firefox to not wait for a response or new page load?
Format of the line should be perfect of the form:
$mech->click({selector => ('input.button', single => 1), synchronize => 0});
You must use selector =>
or xpath =>
$mech->click({xpath/selector => 'name' ,synchonize => 0})
Then the click will not wait for a response for the webserver.
As stated at: cpan WWW::Mechanize::Firefox::Troubleshooting